Conformity has consequences. The nameless protagonist of Dark Office wakes up in a dark, dystopian world filled with dehumanized corporate drones, their individuality taken from them, one of whom is someone he cares about, someone who knows how to restore the humanity to the mute wage slaves. Located in the top of the massive building is a chamber that does just that – but reaching it will not be easy.
The corporate overlords who benefit from the dehumanized drones will stop at nothing to keep this device from being activated and losing their hold on power.
Reaching this chamber involves many risks, passing through the ugly foundations of the corporate system that enslaves so many and benefits so few. Can they survive long enough to bring freedom at last to those enslaved and rendered powerless?
Every single page of Dark Office was drawn and inked at this call center cubicle while on the phones, using nothing more than a mechanical pencil, eraser and technical pens. The second photo was taken on my last day, when I left corporate life for good (my homemade VACANCY sign didn’t last long after I left, I heard).
Dark Office was inspired by a need to survive a spirit-crushing corporate environment, and could not have been created anywhere else, an example of an artist suffering for their art.
Dark Office: The Graphic Novel – Get YOUR copy today!